Hans Eric

Following the start of his career in private practice, as candidate civil law notary, Hans Eric held senior management positions in legal, commercial and finance at KLM Royal Dutch Airlines for nineteen years. Prior to founding FRESHE, he was partner at the global executive search organisation Amrop for seven years. Hans Eric served as (non-)executive boardmember at various organisations and holds a masters degree in Civil and Notarial Law from Leiden University, The Netherlands.

Jan Fresemann
van der Hoeven

Jan Fresemann started his career in the insurance industry, working for a reputed Dutch insurance company and insurance broker Marsh, in both commercial and management roles. He then moved on to PwC in London where he was responsible for International Risk Management and claims. In 2004 he founded Legal Circles, an Executive Search firm based in Amsterdam and in 2016 joined forces with Hans Eric Kuipéri, to start FRESHE. Jan Fresemann holds a masters degree in Civil Law from Leiden University, The Netherlands.


After studying law at Cardiff University and Guildford Law School, Penny started her legal career at Clifford Chance in London. Subsequently, Penny worked first as General Counsel of a plc and then of a dotcom start-up in London, before relocating to Amsterdam with her young family. In 2015, after almost ten years in Asia, Penny returned to Amsterdam where she joined Jan Fresemann van der Hoeven at Legal Circles as a recruitment consultant, moving with him the following year to FRESHE.